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Journal Antennas №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Metamaterial ground plane application for GNSS antenna multipath mitigating
S. N. Boyko - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Director of Department, "ISDE" Co. Ltd. E-mail: npk6@mail.ru
A. S. Kukharenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, "ISDE" Co. Ltd.
Yu. S. Yaskin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of "ISDE" Co. Ltd.
A classical schema of a mushroom-pipe electromagnetic band gap structure (EBG) has been shown. A construction of an EBG, whichdiffers with the existence on the coupled edges of the EBG elements of a distributed inductance and a lumped capacitance, which decreasethe structure resonance frequency, has been suggested on basis of the presented schema. Applying a method of determiningthe EBG permittivity and permeability by the instrumentality of the measured S-parameters it has been shown, that the suggestedstructure has negative values of permittivity and permeability on the frequencies close to the resonance one, which means, that theEBG is a left-handed double negative metamaterial.A construction of a frequency selective ground plane, designed on basis of the presented EBG metamaterial, which has a flat radialdisk form, which blocks the wave propagation from its edge to the center, where an antenna element is placed, has been described.Existence of the lumped capacitances in the EBG metamaterial structure allows readjusting the ground plane resonant frequency in awide band by simple changing of the capacitance values.A construction of a multiband multipath mitigating ground plane of a GNSS antenna, consisting of the placed one above another frequencyselective ground planes with EBG metamaterial elements and resonant gaps, formed by neighbor ground planes, has beenpresented. The number of frequency selective ground planes is equal to the number of the resonance gaps and is equal to the numberof an antenna element working bands. Each frequency selective ground plane and each resonance gap has a resonance frequencyequal to one of the antenna element frequencies. While placing into the construction, the frequency selective ground planesare formed in the way to orient their ground surface to the top hemisphere and their frequency selective surface to the bottom one.Due to such a design the multipath mitigating ground plane doesn-t narrow the antenna element radiation pattern, doesn-t spoil itsphase center stability, provides multipath mitigating in all antenna element working bands and can be easily adapted to any numberof the working bands.A dual frequency GNSS GLONASS-GPS antenna module, designed using the described EBG metamaterial and multipath mitigatingground plane has been presented. The measured characteristics of the module have been shown the advantages of the presentedconstructions.
Pages: 63-69
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