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Journal Antennas №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Special aspects of designing and development of radiotransparent radomes and protective covers for operation in centimetric and millimetric wave bands
S. I. Shalgunov - Ph.D. (Chem.), Head of Department of VNIISPV, OJSC "NPO Stekloplastic"
V. I. Sokolov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Director of VNIISPV, OJSC "NPO Stekloplastic"
E-mail: vniispv@mail.ru
I. V. Morozova - Research Scientist, OJSC "NPO Stekloplastic"
Yu. S. Prokhorova - Research Scientist, OJSC "NPO Stekloplastic"
Being developed at present the radiotransparent equipment for civil purposes and advanced types of armament are progressively in-clined to the field of centimetric, millimetric and submillimetric length wave bands that affect the requirements for the material and construction of radome and its protective cover. Therefore in case of ultrashort-length waves the essential thing is the requirement of uniformity of the material in terms of a scale of radiowave length; signal reception and signal transmission are carried out within more wide or spased radiowaves bands. Speed ability and maneuverable characteristics of aircraft planes of the latest generation determine more strict requirements for geometry of a radome, its strength and construction complication.
Then a matter of primary importance is the necessity of taking into account physical laws of passing the Hertz wave (Hw) through di-electric wall. Speed increase of aircrafts requires to use the articles with high airfoil flow. The incident angle of waves on the wall of nose radome is often 70° and more that considerably changes the radiotransparent conditions.
The availability of the incident angle involves one essential factor - polarization of Hw with reference to the incidence plane of radiowave on the radome wall.
At simultaneous change of the radiowaves frequency and their incident angles on the radome wall the demanding task is to determine optimal parameters of the wall, its construction that requires a substantial volume of additional calculations in multifactorial space of determinant arguments.
With the above one can make the conclusion that designing the radomes and protective covers for stations operated within centimetric and millimetric waves bands is not simple quantitative transition to the field of shorter waves but the transition to qualitatively new sphere that requires another approaches, new technological and material engineering decisions in the field of the radiotransparent items production from polymeric composite materials.
Pages: 63-68
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