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Journal Antennas №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Heuristic synthesis of sidelobe blanking antenna pattern
M. V. Ratynskij - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Sector, JSC «VNIIRT» (Moscow). E-mail: m3v5r7@inbox.ru
A. P. Nikolaev - Chief Specialist, JSC «VNIIRT» (Moscow). E-mail: apnika@mail.ru
S. V. Petrov - 1st cat. Engineer, JSC «VNIIRT» (Moscow). E-mail: petrovsv@list.ru
A. K. Kiryakmasov - 2nd cat. Engineer, JSC «VNIIRT» (Moscow). E-mail: brain.nutro2012@gmail.com
A. P. Nikolaev - Chief Specialist, JSC «VNIIRT» (Moscow). E-mail: apnika@mail.ru
S. V. Petrov - 1st cat. Engineer, JSC «VNIIRT» (Moscow). E-mail: petrovsv@list.ru
A. K. Kiryakmasov - 2nd cat. Engineer, JSC «VNIIRT» (Moscow). E-mail: brain.nutro2012@gmail.com
Algorithm for synthesizing sidelobe blanking (SLB) antenna pattern is proposed, that has wide mainlobe and a gap against the mainlobe of the main antenna. The algorithm consists in summing several auxiliary patterns, formed by the same aperture as the main pattern, but being displaced against the latter. The number and positions of auxiliary patterns, as well as their amplitude distributions and additional amplitude factors, are to be selected empirically to get the form of SLB pattern as close to desired one as possible.
The algorithm is highly flexible admitting varying the form of SLB pattern over wide limits. The algorithm may be used for 1D, 2D and 3D arrays of arbitrary configurations as well as for arrays that consist of subarrays.
Examples of SLB antenna patterns synthesis are given for 32-element uniform linear array.
Pages: 26-28
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