350 rub
Journal Antennas №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Method of formation of the solution of a multicriterion problem of amplitude-phase synthesis of arrays from the position of intellectual management on the basis of radical modeling
A. V. Chechkin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces. E-mail: a.chechkun@mail.ru
E. V. Kozlov - Post-graduate Student, Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces. E-mail: evk-34@yandex.ru
The formation method of the multicriterion amplitude and phase synthesis of antenna arrays from a position of intellectual management based on radical modeling is offered. The model in terms of radicals is constructed in the form of the UV-regularizer in which the radicals are two types of parameters. Management parameters form the requirements to directional characteristics. Option parameters provide variability of the solution of a synthesis problem for a further choice of rational versions of solution of a task. The variant part of a regularizer is presented with use of the spectral operator characterizing total input energy in which spectral areas of reactive radiation are allocated by means of a weight function. The various versions of the decision meeting requirements to characteristics of an orientation are provided as a result of the weight function changing.
Pages: 30-34

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