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Journal Antennas №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Research of the reflector antenna near-field with account of the reflector surface quality
V. N. Mitrokhin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Senior Research Scientist, Research Institute of Radio Electronic Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E. O. Mozharov - Postgraduate Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Engineer, Research Institute of Radio Electronic Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: eduardmozharov@yandex.ru
Yu. S. Rusov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, Research Institute of Radio Electronic Technology, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: rusov.yu.s@gmail.com
Reflector collimators are widely used in antenna measurements. The most important characteristic of a compact range based on the reflector collimator is uniformity of the amplitude-phase distribution (APD) of the electromagnetic field in the operating area [10-12]. Ka-wave band reflector collimator is considered. The reflector of the collimator is a square tenderloin 113λ х 113λ of the revolution paraboloid with a focal length of 113λ. The aim of this paper is to estimate the influence of the reflector collimator-s surface quality on the electromagnetic field in the operating area. The aperture method [1] is used to calculate the electromagnetic field distribution in the near-field region of the reflector collimator without taking into account the diffraction on the edges of the reflector. Comparison of calculations of near field by the aperture method and the method of moments (MoM in program FEKO) is allowed to ensure in the efficiency of the used mathematical model. The surface profile is measured in the form of «cloud» of points to calculate the near-field structure of a real reflector antenna. Delaunay triangulation with the barycentric coordinate system is used to predict the values of reflector deviations, respectively, the deviation of the aperture currents - phase [2], in any point of the reflector. The amplitude-phase distribution of the equivalent currents in the aperture is calculated by experimental irradiator-s amplitude far-field pattern and measured deviations of the collimator-s reflector. The structure of the reflector antenna near-field is calculated by equivalent currents - amplitude-phase distribution.
Pages: 16-22

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