350 rub
Journal Antennas №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of dual-reflector antenna with offset feeder and circular aperture
dual-reflector antennas
complex coordinates
reflector antennas synthesis
S. V. Ermolaev - Leading Engineer in Radio Communications, FSUE Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR). E-mail: sergeyermolaev@mail.ru
References [1-6] give methods to calculate reflector and convergent reflector surfaces of dual-reflector antenna with offset feeder with given amplitude field distribution across antenna aperture. This issue is detailed in [2-6] using complex coordinates method which significantly simplifies deriving of necessary mathematical relations and their subsequent analysis.
The paper gives necessary equations for calculation of the reflector and convergent reflector surfaces of dual-reflector antenna with the offset feeder and circular aperture for the given amplitude field distribution across antenna aperture. An example of calculation for antenna with uniform amplitude distribution across its aperture is represented, as well as calculation results for deviation of amplitude distribution from the given distribution. It is also shown that the proposed method allows calculation of the reflector and convergent reflector surfaces with variation of amplitude distribution across aperture of no more than ±0,02 dB and aperture contour accuracy of no more than 10-3% of its radius.
Pages: 11-15
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