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Journal Antennas №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Accounting methodology the amplitude and phase mismatch of channels of an adaptive array antenna
D. D. Ganzy - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «Scientific and Manufacturing Center «Vigstar» (Moscow). E-mail: ntc4@vigstar.ru
P. V. Rusakov - Head of Sector, Center «NIIRP», JSC «GSKB «Almaz-Antey» (Moscow). E-mail: rp258rt@rambler.ru
G. I. Troshin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Scientific and Manufacturing Center «Vigstar» (Moscow). E-mail: ntc4@vigstar.ru
E. E. Fotin - Deputy Head of Department, NIITs (Mytishi)
Anti-jam adaptation of antennas as well as producing of deep nulls in array antenna pattern in the direction interference signal arrival to gain the anti-jamming immunity are not implemented in full. A significant number of factors prevent this. One of these important factors that prevents deep minima formation in the direction of arrival of interference signal is non-identity of amplitude and phase characteristics of adaptive array antenna's channels. In the prior art, the degree of suppression of interfering signals' dependence on amplitude and phase characteristics' changes is analyzed. These studies accounts channels' non-identity in compensation of jammer's acting by side lobes. This paper is considers and evaluates the impact of adaptive array antenna's interchannel mismatches in case of multiple interfering signal. As a result of eight-element array antenna studies, which are based on Pistolcors equation, it was found that three simultaneously acting interfering signals with different angles of arrival and +20 dB SNR (thermal noise level of the receiver) level can be suppressed down to - 27 dB to antenna main lobe's signal level even in case of different amplitude and phase characteristics of array antenna channels. These results are the basis for a decision on the correction of the amplitude and phase characteristics of the adaptive array antenna channels in their development in order to improve anti-jamming radio communication in particular jamming environment.
Pages: 58-61

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