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Journal Antennas №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The first adaptive array antennas for space objects
D. M. Sazonov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Honored Professor, National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» (Moscow)
The first adaptive array antennas (so-called «self-adaptive» arrays) were created in 1964-1968 at the research and design firm, headed by Academician S. P. Korolev (now - S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia»). They were designed in cooperation with antenna department of Moscow Power Engineering Institute, headed by Prof. G. T. Markov. Two-frequency antenna system with 32 dipole radiators of circular polarization was operated in decimeter waveband. The dipoles were disposed on the cylindrical corps, which was orbital module, intended for planned expedition to the Moon. The high-gain antenna pattern was formed by means of beam forming microstrip matrix, equipped with system of PIN-diode switches. Automatic control was ensured to keep constant orientation of antenna main beam onto the Earth communication center. Realized antenna gain was about 16 dB. Successful functioning was provided at any evolutions of the orbital module, including probable non-staff situations. Some adaptive array copies were produced in a factory. All of them have successfully passed quality tests as well as military check-out. More simple adaptive arrays with six radiators have been successfully implemented in flights on various orbital space objects. During development of the first adaptive arrays some new technologies were created, and primarily this was fabrication of printed multilayer microstrip circuits for microwaves on foiled fiberglass-reinforced polytetrafluoroethy¬lene material FAF-4.
Pages: 50-57

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  2. Sazonov D.M., Frolov N.Ja. Oczenka KPD razlichny'x izluchatelej, rabotayushhix v prisutstvii sfericheskogo sloya odnorodnoj plazmy', i vy'bor optimal`noj dliny' volny' // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. XII. 1964. Vy'p. 29.
  3. Frolov N.Ja., Sazonov D.M. Konicheskij vibrator v sfericheskoj die`lektricheskoj obolochke kak izmeritel` parametrov plazmennoj sredy', voznikayushhej pri vxode kosmicheskix ob``ektov v atmosferu // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. XII. 1965. vy'p. 29.
  4. Sazonov D.M., Gridin A.N., Ushakov Ju.S., Majorov V.G., Geras`kin A.P., Mishustin B.A., Nedelyaev A. Primenenie samoprisposablivayushhixsya kol`czevy'x antenny'x reshetok v kachestve bortovy'x antenny'x sistem dlya raket i kosmicheskix ob``ektov // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. Obshhetexnicheskaya. 1967. Vy'p. 1. S. 47-59.
  5. Sazonov D.M., Ushakov Ju.S., Mishustin B.A. Sposob sozdaniya vsenapravlenny'x xarakteristik izlucheniya na letayushhix ob``ektax bol`shix e`lektricheskix razmerov s pomoshh`yu dvux fazomanipuliruemy'x antenn // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. Obshhetexnicheskaya. 1967. Vy'p. 1. S. 70-76.
  6. Ushakov Ju.S., Gridin A.N., Sazonov D.M., Mishustin B.A. Nekotory'e voprosy' postroeniya SVCh-ustrojstv dlya skaniruyushhix kol`czevy'x antenny'x reshetok // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. Obshhetexnicheskaya. 1967. Vy'p. 1. S. 77-91.
  7. Polishhuk N.P., Sazonov D.M., Ushakov Ju.S. Xarakteristiki izlucheniya mnogokanal`ny'x kol`czevy'x skaniruyushhix antenny'x reshetok dlya kosmicheskix korablej // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. Obshhetexnicheskaya. 1968. Vy'p. 4.
  8. Polishhuk N.P., Sazonov D.M., Ushakov Ju.S. Primenenie ploskix mnogoluchevy'x antenny'x reshetok v samoprisposablivayushhixsya antenny'x sistemax dlya kosmicheskix korablej // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. Obshhetexnicheskaya. 1968. Vy'p. 4. S. 27-36.
  9. Sazonov D.M. Metod izmereniya diagramm napravlennosti antenn v pomeshheniyax, s ustraneniem vozmozhny'x oshibok // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. Obshhetexnicheskaya. 1968. Vy'p. 11.
  10. Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. Obshhetexnicheskaya. 1968. Vy'p. 26. S. 72-80.
  11. Sazonov D.M., Gridin A.N. Optimizacziya mnogokanal`ny'x kommutatorov deczimetrovogo diapazona dlya skaniruyushhix mnogoluchevy'x antenny'x sistem // Voprosy' speczial`noj radioe`lektroniki. Ser. Obshhetexnicheskaya. 1969. Vy'p. 13.