350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Modeling of antennas-applicators of the unified antenna lattices for radiothermomapping multichannel systems
A. F. Bobrikhin - Head of Department, «Hyperion» Ltd. (Moscow)
A. G. Gudkov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor of MSTU named after Bauman
V. Yu. Leushin - C.Sc. (Eng.), Technical Director of «Hyperion» Ltd. (Moscow)
V. F. Los - - C.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Researcher of Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» JSC (Moscow). E-mail: mail@vega.su
V. V. Popov - C.Sc. (Eng.), General Director of «Svetlana» JSC (St. Petersburg)
I. O. Porokhov - C.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Sector of FGUP «CNIRTI named after A.I. Berg» (Moscow)
I. A. Sidorov - C.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department of Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» JSC (Moscow)
Advantages of a method of microwave radiometry among other methods of medical diagnostics are discussed, suitable frequencies ranges are determined, and the assessment of thermal radiation density at chosen frequencies is given. Modeling of three types of antennas-applicators, including symmetric curved vibrators, helixes and slot-resonator, which are considered as candidates for modules of the unified antenna lattices of radiothermomapping multichannel systems, is carried out. The applicators' design provides system functioning in 680-1520 MHz frequency band (at contact with the medium, which electrophysical parameters correspond to biofabrics parameters). With the radiothermomapping system it allows to realize the measurement of the radio brightness temperatures at a different depth of a patient's body that significantly increases system's resolution. Electromagnetic power absorption coefficients in a near zone are defined, and their three-dimensional (3D) representations are given in a frequencies number from a working frequency bands. Ways of increase of noise immunity of offered antennas are considered. The design of the unified module with the antenna in the form of an U-dipole is given.
Pages: 17-26

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