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Journal Antennas №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The properties of the model of turbo-like codes discrete sequences
A. Yu. Barinov, E. I. Balunin, A. P. Ratushin
Turbo-like codes are widely used for boosting noiseless communication. Nowadays the analysis of turbo-like codes interleavers is a challenging and by halves solved problem. The developed properties of turbo-like codes with puncher (adder) model have been presented. This analytical model consists of two parts: one for parallel, the second for consecutive code construction. Proposed properties of convolutional turbocode with puncturing and accumulate low density parity-check code with puncturing (addition) properties are based on the construction of coding process as finite matrices multiplication and developed via linear transformations of information and interleaved coded discrete sequences. The properties are invariant to the used interleaving law. Application of these properties allows us (according to specified assumptions and limitations) to detect the interleaving law of turbo-like codes with the puncher (adder) in a non-cooperative context.
Pages: 55-60

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