350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Methods of forming of structural and statistical signs of discrete sequences on the basis of the residue theory
N. V. Tamp, V. L. Tamp, V. N. Nosikov
The method, which allows forming the structural and statistical signs of discrete sequences (DS) is offered. The residue functions in the lines and columns of the created matrix of set dimension for various options of the final fields which characterize features of structure of legal blocks of data are entered. Thus the assessment of the residue functions of analyzed DS allows revealing the transfer of constant bits during the period, existence of the counter field and its word length in the studied discrete sequence and allows defining the exact values of these constant bits at their invariable following in the whole sample. The signs of structure of legal blocks of data are revealed on the basis of the offered method.
Pages: 52-54

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