350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
An algorithm of measuring of radio signal coordinate-informative parameter in the multi-position system
S. F. Teslevich, A. B. Makhetov
VHF range incorporates high frequency using and a great number of both fixed and mobile radio sources. Both analogue and digital signals with complex kinds of modulation are used for data transmission. For hiding the communicated information a variety of encryption modes is utilized in communications systems, resulting in a priori uncertainties of radio monitoring means in regard to one or another communication sys-tem. Under the circumstances the role of a radio sources position finding system has increased greatly. Its accuracy depends on the accuracy of measurement of radio signal coordinate-informative parameter. The article proposes an algorithm for this measure-ment, which allows more precise assessment of a radio signal phase difference with low signal to noise radio.
Pages: 43-45

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