350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
New methods of signal spectrum analysis based on atomic decomposition and their application for the estimation of coordinate informative parameters of radio signals
A. I. Vagin, R. A. Volkov, Yu. N. Gaichuk, I. V. Chebotar
New results on the recently introduced signal spectrum analysis methods based on atomic decomposition are presented. The Dopplerlet transform is compared with the others integral transforms relatively to the Doppler signals. The estimation scheme for coordinate informative parameters of radio signals is presented. The applications results are provided for the estimating mutual time delay of the Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying - OQPSK signals, which are widely used in multifunction radio systems. By means of computer simulation comparative analysis of the accuracy of proposed approach with a classical technique of the mutual delay depending on signal-to-noise ratio is carried out. It is demonstrated that the proposed approach allows computing, almost without accuracy decrease, mutual time delay of signals as time difference of arrival of signals to each receiving centre separately. It allows decreasing greatly the data transmission channel capacity requirements in multipoint positioning systems.
Pages: 30-37

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