350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Methods of estimation of antenna systems potential using desirability function of Harrington
I. V. Demichev, A. E. Nikolaev, N. P. Shmakov, Z. F. Shajdulin
The development of antenna systems for various applications in modern electronics, and some diversity in terms of different scientific schools has resulted in many ways of their analysis and evaluation in general. The assessment of the antenna system operating efficiency under specific settings for specific tasks is fragmented in these conditions. The desirability function and not the system of weights is used to form the overall quality index in the proposed approach. This allows to eliminate the subjective factor in the overall index formation. The authors have developed a system of the generalizing and private indicators which characterize the potential of the antenna system.
Pages: 11-17

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