350 rub

Journal Antennas №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Effective method for processing of measurements in antenna near field
mathematical model
far field
near field
antenna array
iterative regularizing procedure
A.B. Khashimov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor of Radio Equipment Design and Production Department, South Ural State University (National Research University). E-mail: xab@kipr.susu.ac.ru
This paper proposes a method for reconstruction of antenna distribution and far field using results of inaccurately defined measurements in the near field. The Huygens-Kirchhoff integral formulas are used for a rigorous electrodynamics formulation of the problem. Using the principle of analytic continuation and uniqueness theorem can reconstruct the antenna distribution and far field pattern for the known geometry of the measuring system and given set of probe signals. It is assumed that the probe signals may contain some errors, the statistical characteristics of which are known. Shown that the direct methods of reconstruction based on numerical solution of the functional equations of I kind can lead to unacceptably errors of pattern reconstruction even for small measurements errors of near field. The Bakushinsky-s iterative regularization method is used for solving the ill-posed problem of reconstruction. Developed a method for finding optimal parameters of the regularizing procedure. It is shown that in the case of linear array of vertically polarized dipoles the far field pattern for a plane perpendicular to dipoles axes corresponds to the solution of equivalent two-dimensional problem. The results show high efficiency of the proposed method for processing of measurements in antenna near field.
Pages: 15-22
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