350 rub
Journal Antennas №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
New design of broadband horizontally polarized omni-directional antennas of meter and decimeter wavelengths for stationary radio centers
D.A. Antropov, Yu.V. Medvedev, O.Yu Perfilov, A.O. Perfilova, V.E. Fidelman
In modern conditions, the development of information and telecommunication technologies in rapidly developing regions of the country forms a complex electromagnetic environment (EME). The complexity of EME is due to a significant number of groups of radio-electronic means of military, civil and dual appointments, limited radio frequency resources, the conversion of the radio spectrum, the development of frequency sub-bands, the introduction of new broadband digital communication modes. This increases the performance requirements for antennas, including: the nulls in the antennas pattern should not exceed the established performance standards; required characteristics of the antennas pattern should be provided in wide and ultra-wide bands in the whole of azimuthal plane and in the selected direction to correspondent. The analysis of a number of existing ring antennas of meter and decimeter wavelengths is carried out. The proposals for the modernization of the pyramidal ring antennas of the first type (with eight or more conditioned faces) are formed. They include the mounting of additional Yagi and log-periodic vibrator antennas in horizontal plane of the considered ring antenna of the first type, so in each side the one corresponding log-periodic vibrator antenna is mounted. In the newly formed ring antennas of the second and third types, the vibrators of log-periodic antennas arranged in pyramid's sides serve as active elements of introduced Yagi and log-periodic antennas. The proposed solutions can extend the bandwidth of ring antennas of the first type, can change their pattern in a complex electromagnetic environment, provide the required protection ratio "signal-to-noise" in the selected azimuthal directions.
Pages: 44-48

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