350 rub
Journal Antennas №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Manufacture of components of electronic instruments based on non-metallic materials using the method of electrical explosion of conductors
V.G. Koniushkov
Schematic diagrams of new technological processes of connecting the devices of electronic instruments on the basis of non-metallic materials (ferrite, glass-ceramics, quartz glasses, semiconductors, etc.) by a method of vacuum electrical explosion of inter-layers are provided. The perkolyatsionny model of current is offered for the case of a foil inter-layers explosion. A physical concept of electrical explosion of conductors is developed. The nature of reorientation of the presumable crystallographic directions in a metal interlayer after explosion and cooling of a ferrite-metal device is defined experimentally. The optimum technology parameters for connecting the devices are given.
Pages: 50-55

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