350 rub
Journal Antennas №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Mesh devices of electromagnetic waves polarization: methods of analysis and manufacturing technologies
I.N. Kabanov
Polarization devices of different types are widely applied in telecommunication and radiolocation facilities of microwave and terahertz frequency ranges. One of the varieties of such devices is mesh polarizer intended for controlling of linearly polarized electromagnetic signals' parameters. To investigate the processes of transmission and dispersion of radio waves at one-dimensional periodical structures, which mesh polarizes belong to, different methods of mathematical modeling are used. A brief survey of these methods is presented here. As it is shown in the paper, a choice of the analysis method for such a device is defined in general by the design and technological features of its implementation. An additional important factor that is needed to be taken into account during the analysis and development of mesh polarizer is the exploitation conditions of such a device.
Pages: 46-49

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