350 rub
Journal Antennas №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Numerical modeling of matched load with ceramic absorber
V.V. Komarov, M.S. Gnusarev
Microwave waveguide and coaxial matched loads are widely employed in measuring engineering and in modern radar and communication systems. Coaxial loads are intended for providing traveling wave regime in microwave circuits over a maximum frequency range. Some of these devices can absorb up to 1.5 kW microwave power. Sometimes additional components are used for air or liquid cooling. External sizes of such devices are still too large at frequencies less than 1 GHz. The model of small-sized complex-shaped matched load with inhomogeneous filling by SiC-ceramics and coaxial feeder is considered. Electromagnetic characteristics of homogeneous and inhomogeneous rectangular cavity resonator with cylindrical capacitance gap are analyzed, which is a basic unit of the matched load under study. Dimensions of the resonator and the absorber providing VSWR < 1,15 over the frequency range 910-930 MHz are found. Maximum size of the load is 120 mm.
Pages: 41-45

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