350 rub
Journal Antennas №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Vector parameterization of a medium of the electromagnetic wave propagation
V.S. Ilyin
Parameterization of magneto-dielectric mediums of wave field propagation by the vectors of characteristic impedance Z and characteristic velocity v is considered. The vector Z connects the strengths of basis waves. It is shown that a scalar parameterization by the permittivity and permeability  and  corresponds to the vector parameterization Z, v. The important result is the determining for a single-frequency mode with the help of Z, v of the strong universal relation between the Poynting-s vector and a total energy density w tacking into account the potential and kinetic contributions. Obtained for the single-frequency fields the relationship П = w v through the medium parameter v is a standard one by the form in the context of the transfer conceptions in the continuum mechanics. It is shown that making a transport demand to the electromagnetic field in the form of the existence of electromagnetic waves (the equation of D-Alembert) is the sufficient condition for obtaining the Maxwell-s equation system.
Pages: 5-10

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