350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
A circular dielectric waveguide with a spiral conducting resistive film on the surface
circular dielectric waveguide
resistive film
anisotropic conduction
edge problem
dispersion characteristic
S.V. Ivanov, A.V. Nazarov
The edge problem is solved for a circular dielectric waveguide with a spiral conducting resistive film on the surface. The model of anisotropic conducting cylinder and the method of surface current are used for solution of the problem of electromagnetic waves propagation along the guiding structure. The algorithm of composition of a dispersion equation is described. Dispersion characteristics of some azimuthally symmetric and azimuthally asymmetric waves are presented. The approach to the modes' classification is defined. It is shown that the spiral conducting resistive film applied to the surface of the circular open dielectric waveguide fundamentally changes the spectrum of modes of the last, moreover it has a different effect on different waves' types properties. It is noted that during the propagation of the initially linearly polarized azimuthally asymmetric wave along the circular dielectric waveguide with the spiral conducting resistive film on the surface there will be a change of its polarization: the wave becomes elliptically polarized. For the fundamental mode of the structure, the graphs of frequency dependences of polarization ellipse big axis rotation angle and an eccentricity of the ellipse are presented.
Pages: 67-73
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