350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Maximum likehood algorithm of detection and direction finding by a system of non-coherent monopulse direction finder
A.D. Vinogradov, I.S. Dmitriev, M.P. Slichenko, E.S. Solomko
Maximum likehood algorithm of detection, estimation of direction  of arrival and amplitude of plane monochromatic radio-wave is offered for a system of non-coherent monopulse radio direction finders. As a result of a series of observations, the decision function M() is formed depending on the observable data (complex amplitudes of voltages at each of antennas\' loads of array antenna), correlation matrix of the noise (which is recalculated to the inputs of radio paths of non-coherent radio direction finders), and each array antennas\' vector complex pattern. Maximum likehood estimation of arrival direction of radio wave is found by global maximization of decision function M() by its parameter . By results of comparison of the found global maximum of decision function M() with a detection threshold level the solution on presence or absence of a taken the bearings radio wave in all series of observations is made. In the presence of a flat radio wave characteristics of accuracy of the gained estimations are defined. By averaging of estimates of amplitude of intensity of the wave, gained in each observation, the total estimate of amplitude of a field gradient of a wave is calculated. The gained estimates are asymptotic not biased and effective with the variances corresponding to the inferior boundary of inequalities of Kramer-Rao. The analytical expression is gained, allowing to estimate loss in direction finding sensitivity because of presence of non-coherent monopulse radio direction finders. The generated solving rule, valid for any structure and a configuration of each of antenna array by system of non-coherent monopulse radio direction finders under condition of use of a of the vector direction characteristic of the directivity characterizing given antenna system, and also for any structure of a correlation matrix of the noise representing given in inlets of receivers of antenna array by system of non-coherent monopulse radio direction finders.
Pages: 43-52


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