350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The influence of antennas\' characteristics on direction finding accuracy of ultra-wideband signals
S.N. Razin\'kov
Basing on spectral representation of non-harmonic processes and characteristics of antennas, the dispersion of an assessment of angular coordinates of ultra-wideband radio emission\' sources is determined. The method uses signals\' arrival time differences in spatially disposed locations. Dependences of accuracy of a direction finding on directive properties of antennas are investigated. It is shown that the dispersion of a bearing decreases with increase in value of integral from work of spectral density of energy of radiator and factors of strengthening of the antennas in equivalent strip of a signal on a measuring instrument entrance. The error of direction finding of object in process of increase in the sizes of their antenna systems owing to decrease in efficiency of interception of signals on lateral petals of directional patterns, and also at reduction of dimensions of direction finding antennas at expense of reduction of their factors of strengthening increases. Possibilities of decrease in an error of direction finding of radiators at the expense of processing of sequences of super-broadband impulses are analyzed. It is established that accuracy of an assessment of the direction on a source of sequence of super-broadband impulses raises more slowly, than under the linear law, in view of transformation of their form in the course of transfer and reception.
Pages: 30-35


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