350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The EH-antenna. Response to paper by M.M. Bashkirov et al. «Experimental studies of the EH-antenna»
N.V. Vasilkov, A.D. Vinogradov, P.A. Mozgovoy, V.I. Nikolaev
The paper analyzes the results of measurements of the parameters and characteristics of the EH-antenna published by M.M. Bashkirov et al. in paper «Experimental studies of the EH-antenna». The effects, which were obtained by the authors in series of experiments on signal transfer between two antennas, does not require exotic explanations based on soliton theory. These effects are caused by methodological problems and errors and are explained within multipath nature of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the buildings. Another source of incorrectness is the addition of multipath signal and external industrial noise as well as internal receiver noise. Finally, balun absence at the EH-antennas could aggravate the effects of external fluctuations and lower the accuracy and repeatability of the results.
Pages: 71-75
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