350 rub
Journal Antennas №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Mutual arrangement of metal conductors of integrated on-chip triangular dipoles
integrated dipoles
technological metallization
depth of the antenna
radiation pattern control
M.O. Suslov, A.V. Tikhomirov
The article is devoted to the properties of integrated antennas study in millimeter wavelengths and dedicated to improve future telecommunication systems, which integrated microwave antenna is the main component. Integrated antennas with symmetrical triangle-vibrators are considered. Simulation of this antenna is made for various geometric realizations and different mutual locations. Features of integrated on-chip antenna production were taken into account. Significant influence of location and antenna shape on radiation pattern in E- and H- planes, matching, and radiation efficiency is shown.
The study is done for EHF band antennas operating at 148 GHz. Simulation results indicate that integrated symmetrical triangle antennas have reflection coefficient of - 7,3 dB, radiated power of 27 %, radiation efficiency of 20 %, gain - 19 dB and beam width 105.
These antennas can be implemented in telecommunication systems based on CMOS technology with gigabit data rates, and can be used e.g. for data transfer between different integrated circuits on a single printed circuit board or between different blocks inside a system-on-chip.
Pages: 31-35
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