350 rub
Journal Antennas №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Chaotic oscillations of semiconductor lasers for high-power phase antenna array designing
Y.I. Alekseev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Southern Federal University
Designing of devices for radio and electronic countermeasures as the base of active phased antenna arrays gives a challenge to make high-power noise transmitter. The transmitter could be the main part of wide range of devices for radio and electronic countermeasures and the transmitter could be used to suppress some radar reception channels. The most modern noise transmitters have low efficiency and large size in turn increasing the size of the whole radio contrameasures systems. In this paper it is investigated the possibility of designing of new noise transmitter at the base of deterministic microwave oscillators. The transmitter could oscillate noise when an external signal is applied to the transmitter. Theoretically, these types of noise transmitters are detailed investigated during last years. Some authors wrote this noise transmitter could oscillate deterministic chaos modes and it is possible to get a noise signal with a high level of transmitted power. The transmitted power level in this case is much bigger then a transmitted power level of analog transmitters.
Pages: 75-79

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