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Journal Antennas №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Comparative efficiency of wireless access on the basis of spatial adaptation on the output of the antenna array at use MIMO OFDM in the rayleigh channel
antenna array
wireless communication systems
a spatial filtering
probability of an error
transmission capacity
V.P. Fedosov - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Southern Federal University
A.V. Emelyanenko - Маster Student, Southern Federal University
A.V. Emelyanenko - Маster Student, Southern Federal University
In the presented work efficiency of use of adaptive algorithm for broadband wireless communication systems or technology MIMO on everyone subcarrier OFDM in conditions Rayleigh the channel is considered. Object of research is the system of an information transfer with multidimensional signals (OFDM and MIMO-OFDM), applied to the organization of a high-speed (broadband) mobile communication in the conditions of multipath channels. An object of research is the problem of increase of a noise stability of systems of transfer on the basis of signals of high dimension in the conditions of radio channels with time-and-frequency dispersion.
The overall performance of model of a communication system has been investigated by transfer and reception of casual information sequence. Modeling was spent in the environment of Matlab.
Results of researches show, that use of adaptive existential algorithm essentially reduces probability of erroneous decisions, however a combination of such method to technology of signaling OFDM allows to apply such algorithm in broadband channels that approaches throughput of a communication channel to optimal at the set relation a signal/noise.
Pages: 45-49
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