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Journal Antennas №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Reflection factors of quasi-stationary nonhomogeneous anisotropic impedance plane
Yu.V. Yukhanov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Taganrog Technological Institute
T.Yu. Privalova - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Southern Federal University
The goal of this work is obtaining the reflection factors for inhomogeneous anisotropic non-stationary impedance plane, reflecting incident wave in given direction on necessary polarization and frequency. As possible implementation of impedance was chosen densely placed grill of orthogonal impedance strips. Its orientation on a plane in general case is function of coordinates on a plane and time. Obtained expressions for reflection factors are correct only for impedance distributions, providing wave reflection in given direction on necessary polarization. These expressions must be defined in advance, i.e. the synthesis problem must be solved. In the case of homogeneous stationary impedance obtained expressions match to expressions for commonly known reflection factors. Obtained reflection factors allow to find surface currents, and then, scattering patterns of inhomogeneous non-stationary impedance plane in physical optics approach. It is shown, that scattering pattern of inhomogeneous non-stationary plane has two terms: the first is scattering field on a frequency of incident wave, the second- is scattering field on a given frequency. Magnitude of the first term as bigger, as more given direction differ from specular or backward directions. It is affirmed, that surface, homogeneous on its surface with altering in time by linear law phase of reflection factor, leads as to frequency shift of reflected signal, as to its non-specular reflection. It is found in this work reflection factors allow to solve problems of scattering plane electromagnetic wave on arbitrarily shape surface with inhomogeneous non-stationary impedance, reflecting incident wave on necessary frequency in a given direction on given polarization.
Pages: 11-16

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