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Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The ways of probablistic-time characteristics improvement of data transmission in Aerospace Defence ACS when using communication channels reservation (duplication)
M.G. Nimira, V.S. Savvateev
A problem of territorial of automatic control system (ACS). data links reliability is considered. Communication channels reliability (including digital) is essentialy worse than relliability of last generation of KSA. To achieve system integrity of MTBF indicators, the article offers a new way of the data tract organization. Such a way provides collaboration in a duplication mode with old park communication channels equipment of control and reservation. Besides, high reliability of data transmission and all communication system is realized. The duplicated tract organization demands high-quality control at which the total result is estimated not on communication channel parameters (these parameters not always characterize quality), but by the total result whether data transmission is possible and what is the quality of it. The offered way allows organization of data transmission reservation by a duplication method. The data transmission channel is reserved by the program to provide increased channel reliability and communication information possibility. Calculations of these indicators are presented in article. The presented option of data transmission tract allows us to increase accepted information reliability even more. Information redundancy and program realization of the duplicated tract allows us to apply ways of increase of information reliability. Some ways of it are offers by authors. The way for fight against asymmetric distortions is offered. The way uses conjunction and disjunction functions at recovery of data. Anther way allows us to restore patterns thanks to comparison of categories by the adder on the module 2 and substitution of combinations in two additional decoders. These ways can be realized by the program and in common in the data processing equipment. Thus, the duplicated communication channel increases data transmission reliability and information probability. As a result, the general reliability and functioning quality of all ACS are increased.
Pages: 138-142
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