350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The results of large aperture laser focusing system directional diagram
narrowing by a linear adaptive system
A.N. Kleimenov, P.A. Morgunov, A.V. Nazarenko, I.B. Potemkin, A.O. Skvortsov, L.S. Tishenko
Modern wide-aperture optical systems used in astronomy provide aperture angles of tenths of angular seconds and even less. On the contrary, transmission systems of high power laser complexes with similar design operate with aperture angles which are tenths times worse. That can be explained either by use of cooled power optics or by specifics of high power laser complexes functioning, e.g. big number of laser beam transport mirrors or multiple perturbing factors which worsen the aperture angle. These reasons make it meaningless to decrease any single particular perturbing factor.
It is essential to use adaptive mirror as a phase corrector to compensate distortions caused by optical path. This method is proposed to solve the following tasks:
- to define the spatial characteristics of distortions added to the wavefront of laser irradiation by the optical path;
- to measure the adaptive mirror response function;
- to estimate optimal command signals for adaptive mirror actuators which will create a surface conjugated with distorted wavefront.
The aperture angle of focusing laser system was narrowed with the use of linear adaptive optics methods. An experiment was done to check the method effectiveness and evaluate improvement's characteristics.
Pages: 110-117
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