350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Experimental modelling of thermal deformation of uncooled laser mirror
A.V. Ioganson, Ya.A. Pisarenko
Method of forecasting of thermal deformation value of the uncooled laser mirrors used for optics of medium power laser systems is offered and experimentally fulfilled. The method consists in modelling of deformations on mirror substitutes (i.e., inexpensive and practical breadboard models with similar constructional shape) for definition of qualitative and quantitative parametres of deformation, and the further definition of thermal distortions values of a designed mirror by comparison of theoretical temperature of heating of the mirror and the examinee substitute. Results of experimental modelling of thermal deformations used metal plates at various regime of a thermal load, and results of the conforming theoretical assessments are presented. The obtained compliance of theoretical and practical results of surface deflection values of breadboard models confirms reliability of this method for forecasting of thermal deformation values, and finding mirror optimum of material and design.
Pages: 105-109
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