350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Topographical referencing and orientation of free-standing objects on the ground surface using the method of relative direction finding
V.V. Bulovinov, A.V. Grebennikov, I.N. Isakov, E.I. Sobolev, V.P. Khlapov
During topographical referencing of free-standing objects on the ground surface, when no Global Navigation Satellite System signal is available, a problem of assurance of high accuracy localization and time synchronization appears. Existing navigation systems are not quite fit the requirements: they do not provide high accuracy of localization and time scales' synchronization. We suggest to use radio navigation system of short-range navigation as an instrument of autonomous referencing. This system is based on the method of relative direction finding of three (or more) objects and their operation in pseudo-satellite mode. Basic principles are the following: - main navigation bases are formed by using relative direction finding method; in the sequel these bases work in the pseudosatellite mode; - any other object forms its set of navigation parameters in the receive-only mode. Hardware configuration of objects of the system includes the antenna set, compass, barometric altimeter and computing unit. For this system, an expected standard deviation of bearing is about 5 angular minutes, and deiation of position is about 3 meters.
Pages: 90-93
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