350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Multifunctional radar trace information identification based on the coordinate errors covariance matrix
I.G. Bichenko, V.A. Dobrozhanskiy
The problem of target traces identification in a command post is considered for the case of several multifunction radars. It is proposed to transmit not only coordinates of tracked targets from multifunctional radars to a command post, but also the information about current tracking errors, which is the covariance matrix of coordinate errors.
Estimation algorithms of covariance matrix of coordinate errors were developed for transmission from multifunctional radars to the command post. The rate of error estimation corresponds to the target tracking rate. Error estimation procedure uses current coordinates smoothed with recurrent ? filters considering that information transmission to the command post is performed in the local geographic coordinate frame.
Pages: 69-71
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