350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms of matched filtration of radar pulse sequence reflected from high-speed target
M.Yu. Arkhipov, A.P. Nikolayev
This article is devoted to the problem of processing radar pulse sequence, reflected from high speed target, for instance from satellite. The well known structure of pulse sequence matched filter is a transversal filter with coefficients for Doppler shift compensation. However, the use of this filter for integration of pulse sequence reflected from high speed target may cause sufficient losses. This is due to the fact that the Doppler effect influences not only on carrier frequency but also on pulse repetition frequency and phase of a signal. An additional phase component is due to acceleration. Parameters of the matched filter for a pulse sequence reflected from high speed target are determined. In case of deviation of signal parameters from filter parameters losses is estimated. Required precision of a priori information about radial velocity and acceleration is estimated.
Pages: 57-61
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