350 rub

Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Data transfer system in distributed control unit of phased array antenna
I.N. Isakov, K.V. Kulagin, A.M. Kushtan, A.V. Rybin
Development of information transmit system is discussed for distributed phase digital computer (PDC) and evaluation of its advantages in comparison with similar structure for PDC with concentrated computing units is performed. In order to provide high rate of information transmission, PAA antenna modules are divided into groups with separate communication channels of interface RS-485. All antenna modules are divided into 10 groups. The central controller of PAA is the main component of information transmit system. The controller is connected with groups of PAA modules via 10 half-duplex two-wire asynchronous exchange channels of standard interface RS-485. Each group of antenna modules is mounted on a separate integrated printed board, which provides information transmission between modules. Comparison of two information transmit systems shows the following advantages of information transmit system with application of serial exchange channel of standard interface RS-485: essential reduction of number of wire connections in PAA; optimization of PAA control equipment by quantitative composition; simplification of PAA electric mounting; reduction of quantity of integrated printed boards types; realization of simultaneous information transmission from the central controller to all modules of PAA.
Pages: 46-50
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