350 rub

Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Влияние нестабильности диэлектрических характеристик стеклопластика на радиотехнические параметры радиопрозрачного укрытия. Исследование зависимости коэффициента прохождения электромагнитной энергии от ε, tgδ и угла падения
radio transparency
dielectric permittivity
strike angle
electromagnetic energy transmission factor
A.K. Kabayev
The problem is to find optimal thickness of the radio transparent covering by the value of electromagnetic energy transmission factor in case of instability. Porosity and its impact on permittivity and dielectric loss tangent are defined. Dependence between pressure and porosity is shown. Process of acquiring the needed thickness is described. Evaluation of radio transparency factor is derived from the energy balance equation. Main formulas used in evaluations and their variations are shown. Input data for the particular radio transparent cover is given.
Results are given in the form of three-dimensional surfaces and series of graphs. The article draws the conclusion on the basis of given results, stating that minimization of a possible range of ε values is the reasonable way to improve manufacturing of radio transparent coverings. Also particular case of choosing the optimal thickness is solved.
Pages: 37-40
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