350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms of multiple sources information processing and their MATLAB/Simulink implementation
P.F. Dzhevanshirov
The problem of the collaboration of several information tools of high-speed moving objects' observation is considered in this paper. The united array of paths (UAP) is offered to receiving, processing, storing and delivering the information about targets to consumers. The information about all observing targets is stored in UAP. The arrays of sources, which contain information about targets from each source are used as initial data to form the UAP. It is necessary to determine appropriate targets from different sources to form the UAP. The trajectory information identification algorithm is used for this purpose. This algorithm is based on a comparison of the normalized distance between the coordinate estimates from two sources and threshold value. The threshold value is chosen providing probability of correct identification of targets 0.95. The algorithm of tertiary processing is used to increase the accuracy of trajectory information, reordered in UAP. The essence of this algorithm is to combine trajectory information from two sources using the weight. To study the UAP algorithms, MATLAB/Simulink simulation model is proposed. This model allows: - to simulate flying targets in space and time from the pre-existing templates; - to simulate the radar to detect targets, the processing operations of the radar information and transmitting it to consumers; - to set the main parameters of the radar equipment; - to simulate the work of command post for receiving, processing, storing, and displaying target information and target designations transmitting to consumers; - to display UAP and arrays of sources content; - to visualize the process of simulation using three-dimensional graphics. The formation UAP algorithms multiple spatially distributed sources are designed. The problems of identifying and tertiary processing of incoming information are solved. The simulation model, allowing study of the algorithm UAP is proposed. The model allows testing and debugging the algorithms with the ability of adaptation to specific conditions.
Pages: 18-22
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