350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Distributed missile power supply system of SAM air defense launchers
K.V. Bologov, I.N. Isakov, A.V. Rubin
Automatic launching system as well as missile power supply system are important elements of SAM launchers intended for automatic pre-launch sequence operations. Automatic launching system (ALS) must meet the requirements of decreasing the amount and complexity of equipment, increasing the number of missile channels, performance and reliability. The ALS equipment consists of pre-launch/launch control block (LCB) and modules of disturbed missile power supply system (MPSS) installed on the special transport-launch packs (TLP). The MPSS system is based on distributed computer and power supply system principles. The master controller of the system is a cell from the LCB block which controls the MPSS modules (missiles channels). The represented computer system doesn-t require the complex control algorithm and allow carrying out parallel process execution for missiles launching modes. Data communication between LCB cell and MPSS controller implements via parallel differential RS-422 standard interface, which minimizes the total quantity of signal circuits. MPSS module has the power line input from the distributor block for powering up DC-DC converters forming the required missile voltages. Each MPSS module has the additional safety plug, which cut the ignition circuit of missile irreversible mode. MPSS module also has the disturbed structure. The module includes microcontroller unit, switchgear assemblies and missile integrated electric power supply sources (DC-DC converters). Schematic pattering of MPSS on TLP placement cuts the diversity of required connectors, number of switching equipment, data exchange and power MPSS-SAM lines and simplifies cables topology. The considered construction and control principles of disturbed missile power supply system (MPSS) and their technical application ensures: reducing the amount and equipment complexity at the expense of minimizing the number of switching equipment, increasing the security at the expense of the missile ignition circuit power supply from a separate control source, increasing the reliability (one channel breakdown or microcontroller glitch doesn-t make influence on other channels) and parallel self-contained channel operation.
Pages: 12-17
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