350 rub
Journal Antennas №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of wideband arrays with usage of the generalized energetic functional
P.N. Bashly, A.Yu. Larin, A.S. Pomysov
In article the analytical estimation of potential possibilities of methods of synthesis of wideband arrays with usage of the device of spectrum analysis of bundles of Hermite forms and a substantiation of boundaries of applicability of the developed methods of synthesis of wideband arrays is led. At article presentation the linear N-element antenna array generally with the arbitrary geometry, working in the arbitrary frequency band was considered., for which partial direction characteristics are known. Results of an analytical estimation of potential possibilities of wideband arrays it is based on spectrum analysis of the regular bundle of the Hermite forms used as a functional at the decision of the task of synthesis showed that prominent features of methods of synthesis of wideband arrays on capacity and are across the field invariant to the task of synthesis of antenna arrays with the multilobed direction characteristics. The given methods of synthesis effectively add each other at the decision of the task of the wideband array, therefore the received results allowed to formulate recommendations about usage of methods of synthesis of wideband arrays about capacity and across the field in various operating conditions of antenna arrays. Usage of the function of a scoring offered in operation allows to define more preferable method of synthesis at a stage of setting of the task of synthesis of the double-frequency antenna array.
Pages: 40-46
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