350 rub
Journal Antennas №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Electromagnetic waves in an open circular layered ferrite-dielectric waveguide
S.V. Katin, A.V. Nazarov, E.A. Popov, M.S. Rozhkova
The edge problem for an open circular layered ferrite-dielectric waveguide is posed, the procedure of the dispersion equation composing is described. The dispersion characteristics of the several azimuthally symmetrical and azimuthally asymmetrical surface modes propagating in the lossless structure are presented. The presence of ambiguous sections on the dispersion characteristics of some surface waves of the open circular layered ferrite-dielectric waveguide is established. That indicates that the own complex waves can exist in this lossless structure. It is noted, that when the azimuthally asymmetrical mode with the plane polarization propagates in the lossless open circular layered ferrite-dielectric waveguide the polarization plane of the mode rotates concerning the initial position. For the HE11 mode propagating in the structure the frequency-dependent Faraday rotation angle is calculated.
Pages: 20-24
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