350 rub
Journal Antennas №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Generalization of hallen-s asymptotic method for the case of asymmetrical thin wire antenna
T.V. Mitrofanova
The asymptotic method of the decision of the Hallen-s generalized integral equation for the asymmetrical antenna is offered. Each shoulder of the considered antenna consists of an arbitrary number of unequal-length rectilinear thin wires converging to the input terminal. The method is based on regularization of the problem-s quasi-singular integrals using thin wire approximation. Zero and first approximation for current distribution in each wire is obtained in the form of asymptotic expansion by degrees of small constant parameter. Good agreement of the results obtained in the process of calculating the current distribution and antenna impedance of the asymmetrical antenna using asymptotic and numerical methods is presented.
Pages: 40-46
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