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Journal Antennas №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Choice of optimal parameters of preassigned radiation pattern in the problems of antenna array synthesis
D.D. Gabrielyan, S.E. Mishchenko, F.K. Chernyshov
One possible approach to assessing the realizability of requirements to directivity pattern of the antenna array in the problems of synthesis consists in determining the optimal set of parameters of a given pattern. This approach, in particular, is used in the lattice of Dolph-Chebyshev.
Proposed in the paper the method is based on the fact that the objective function of the amplitude-phase synthes is represented as a function of the unknown parameters given directivity pattern. To do this, at the first phase the unknown amplitude and phase distribution is determined by the method of least squares and substituted into the objective function. At the second stage the required optimal parameters of given directivity pattern are found by solving the system of equations obtained by equating to zero the corresponding derivatives of the objective function.
As an example, in the paper suggested decision for the problem of determining the optimal parameter integrated "table-" a given pattern. This parameter defines the relationship of the real and imaginary parts of a given pattern. It is shown that the choice of the parameter in accordance with the proposed method allows to obtain solution phase synthesis based on the solution of the amplitude-phase synthesis by the method of least squares.
Pages: 45-51
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