350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The synthetic of amplitude-phase distribution in the compensation channel aperture of the adaptive spatial jamming compensation system
V.I. Karpuhin, S.V. Kozlov, V.I. Sergeev
Requirements to the compensatory channel directivities diagram of the adaptive spatial interference's compensation systems with reception blocking in the set area are generalised and the technique of synthesis of demanded amplitude-phase distribution on the aperture of the compensatory channel is offered. Synthesis includes two stages. The first stage is based on analogy between a spectrum of the linearly-frequency-modulated signal and the antenna directivities diagram at square-law distribution of a phase under the aperture and allows to receive close to "rectangular" the form of the main beam of the directivities diagram of the set width. The second stage consists in recurrent direct and return Fourier's transformations with zeroing of results in the set area of blocking at direct and values of amplitude-phase distribution outside of the aperture at the return transformations. Possibility of formation compensatory directivities diagram with regulated in the width of the main beam and in the width of a failure in its limits is shown at depth of a failure 40 дБ and more and necessity of application for compensatory antennas of high-precision analogue or digital multidigit devices of formation of amplitude-phase distribution. For maintenance of placing of the set number of compensatory channels at preservation of their apertures construction of compensatory channels with aperture depression is offered. The technique can be used at a substantiation of characteristics of adaptive spatial interference's compensation systems of radio-electronic means and research of achievable efficiency characteristics of their functioning in the interference's conditions.
Pages: 24-28
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