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Journal Antennas №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The maximum likelihood detection and estimation of a direction of arrival and amplitude of intensity of a radio-wave by means of a multichannel radio direction finder with antenna system of any configuration
M.L. Artemov, O.V. Afanasyev, V.N. Levchenko, I.S. Dmitriev, M.P. Slichenko
In article as maximum likelihood algorithm of detection, an estima tion of a direction of arrival and a stream of capacity of a flat monochromatic radio-wave by a multichannel radio direction finder with any configuration of antenna system is offered. The considered algorithm assumes formation in each supervision of a matrix of channel capacities Pr of pressure on exits of elements the antenna array with calculation of an estimation of amplitude of intensity of a field of a wave in the given supervision and the subsequent summation of the given matrixes in a series of supervision with individual weight factors. Decision function S(θ) depending on the saved up matrix of channel capacities P, a correlation matrix led to exits of antenna system of noise and the peak diagramme of an orientation of antenna system is formed. As much as possible plausible estimation of a direction of arrival of a radio-wave is by means of global maximisation of decision function S(θ). The decision on presence or absence of a plane wave is accepted by result of comparison of the found global maximum of decision function with threshold level. In case of presence of a plane wave the total estimation of amplitude of intensity of a field of a wave by averaging of the estimations received in each supervision is calculated, and characteristics of accuracy of estimations of a stream of capacity and a direction of arrival of a radio-wave are defined. The generated solving rule, fair for any structure and a configuration of antenna system of a direction finder under condition of use of the amplitude diagramme of orientation G(θ) characterising given antenna system.
Pages: 10-18
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