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Journal Antennas №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of optimal algorithm of a sense finding of a sense finding sources of radio emissions in circular azimuthal sector three-channel small-sized direction finder
R.V. Antipensky, I.H. Erzina, V.N. Poddubny
Now in the literature various problems of build-up and functioning of directions finders in which almost all known principles of direction finding with usage directed and nondirectional antennas are implemented are considered, and also procedures and effects of an estimate of bearing accuracy of sources of radio emissions are given. Much less attention is given statistical synthesis of optimal algorithms of a sense finding of sources of radio emissions in circular azimuthal sector without mechanical gyration of direction characteristics of used antennas. In paper the discrete and analogue optimal algorithms of sense finding of sources of radio emissions in circular azimuthal sector by means of one nondirectional and two coil antennas are synthesised on the basis of a likelihood function maximum. At synthesis of discrete optimal algorithm of an estimate of bearing θ of a voltage from outputs of three antennas are presented by a Fourier series. The discrete algorithm represents implicit rather θ the equation in which powers and scalar products of the mentioned voltages are spotted by the appropriate totals of coefficients of decomposition of these voltages of a Fourier series. The analogue algorithm of optimal direction finding is gained from discrete by determination of analogue equivalents of the specified totals. These equivalents represent integrals of functions from voltages from outputs of three antennas. The synthesised algorithms are the square equations of the relative bearing that causes ambiguity of direction finding sources of radio emissions. The rule of the unambiguous estimate of bearing sources of radio emissions on the basis of the registration of the side conditions streaming from synthesised algorithms is In-process discovered. From these algorithms a series of known algorithms of ambiguous direction finding sources of radio emissions two antennas follows.
Pages: 48-54
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