350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
About the Calculation Technique of Ferrite Elements for Waveguide EHF Circulators
V. A. Kozlov, Yu. A. Svetlakov, A. Yu. Sedakov
The article presents the particularities of calculation technique for ferrite elements diameter of EHF partial height waveguide circulators. The calculation technique, based on the solution of dispersion equation of waves, which propagates in a longitudinally magnetized axial ferrite rod is proposed. It is shown, that for designing of such waveguide, as a rule, alternative from two varies values of cylindrical ferrite diameter is possible. It is available to take diameter, which give large frequency band of operation. Results of using the present calculation technique for designing waveguide circulators of 8 mm and 5 mm radio wave range for on-board systems is presented.
Pages: 57-61
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