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Journal Antennas №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The accuracy of Estimating the Bearing of a Point Object on Radar Image Formed by Synthetic Aperture Radar with Phase Gradient Autofocusing in Jamming
I.F. Kupryashkin, V.P. Likhachev, N.A. Usov
In operation questions of influence of the noise noises on accuracy of an estimate bearing small object under its radar image generated by a SAR are considered. Thus it is necessary, that with a view of improvement of quality of the image in SAR one of algorithms of autofocusing most often used in practice - phase gradient algorithm is applied. The operation purpose is reception of dependence of a variance of an estimate bearing object from level of the noise noises at various working conditions phase gradient algorithm of autofocusing. For achievement of the specified purpose in article the expressions linking temporary and energy performances of function of phase contortions of a signal after carrying out of autofocusing with the relation noises/signals on an inlet of system of formation of the image are gained. Use of values of an interval of correlation and variance of the phase fluctuations calculated on the basis of gained expressions, has allowed to carry out modelling of process of processing garbled a signal in SAR and statistical averaging of estimates biases of a mark of dot object. It is as a result erected, that failure of operation of algorithm phase gradient autofocusings (which sign achievement by an estimate bearing variance the value exceeding azimuthal resolution SAR) serves comes in a case when a mean power the noise noises approximately on 17...22 decibels exceeds a mean signal power.
Pages: 34-40
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