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Journal Antennas №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Metamaterial based small sized antennas (Practical aspects)
small sized antenna
electromagnetic bandgap structure
frequency selective surface
S.N. Bojko, V.G. Veselago, E.A. Vinogradov, A.A. Zhukov
As known, a correlation desired and mainly wavelength dependent restricts in most cases the minimum attainable size of antennas released on ordinary materials. Hence, the following shrinkage of antennas made from ordinary materials is possible only in conjunction with efficiency lowering and essential bandwidth reduction. Nowadays, metamaterials attract much interest of scientific world for its unique properties unreachable by utilizing ordinary materials. In antenna applications, metamaterials with its unordinary properties give extra opportunities: smaller size, higher gain and broader antenna bandwidth.
This survey is devoted to small-size metamaterial-based antenna fabrication methods. In the survey, classifications are presented of metamaterials and its antenna applications. Physical boundaries of metamaterial-based antenna realization are given. Antenna applications are determined for the following types of metamaterials:
Negative index metamaterials (left-handed media)
Electromagnetic band-gap metamaterials;
Artificial complex ground planes providing a desired reflective phase of electromagnetic wave;
Frequency selective surfaces.
Designs of metamaterial-based antenna may be categorized as follows: antenna surrounded by metamaterial; antenna placed under a layer of metamaterial; antenna placed above a layer of metamaterial; antenna printed on a metamaterial substrate; antenna made entirely from metamaterial.
From the results of the research made, one can draw conclusions. Tangible antenna shrinkage may be achieved only with two designs: antenna surrounded by metamaterial and antenna made entirely from metamaterial, with all this going on, minimal antenna size possible at this moment makes up a magnitude of the same order as λ/50. Antenna printed on a metamaterial substrate is basically used for broadening operation frequency band. On the whole, antenna made entirely from metamaterial shows better opportunities.
Pages: 32-41
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