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Journal Antennas №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Microwave antennas and radiating structures in artificial composite media: history, main trends and prospects
E.A. Shorokhova, M.S. Manakhova
One of the promising directions in the creation of a new generation of antennas associated with their construction of artificial composite metamaterials, which have got unique electrical, radiophysical and optical properties that are not present in natural materials. Theoretical and experimental studies show that the use of metamaterials and materials with chiral properties can increase the bandwidth of frequencies, antenna gain, as well as reduce the overall size of microwave devices. In this paper, sufficient detail the history of creation of metamaterials, their classification, indicated the problems and prospects of this trend in microwave technology. The results of numerical simulation of a rectangular microstrip antenna with a T-shaped radiator on the metamaterial substrate and the microstrip antenna located near the metamaterial layer. Modeling of microstrip antennas performed in a program package Ansoft HFSS 12, which is best suited for the calculation of microwave structures containing metamaterials in its design. We have shown that: i) using as a substrate material metamaterial with negative real permittivity and permeability, while holding the geometry of the microstrip antenna can lead to displacement of the minimum S11-parameter to higher frequencies, as well as to increase the gain on the average of 2 times; ii) using of metastructure layer near the microstrip antenna can increase its bandwidth by several times, and gain an average of 3 dB. Our studies suggest the possible use of artificial complex composite materials in the antenna devices of the microwave range to improve their radiating properties. The developed procedure makes it possible to synthesize the design of radiating systems with specified parameters of electromagnetic radiation.
Pages: 11-31
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