350 rub
Journal Antennas №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Statistical characteristics of field of aperture random antenna with allowance for correlation between errors
O.N. Maslov, A.S. Rakov, А.А. Silkin
The results of investigations by statistical imitation modeling method (SIM) of the statistical characteristics of the field intensity aperture random antenna (RA) are presented in this article. Distributions of amplitude and phase errors are considered uniform in a specified sufficiently wide range. The technique SIM is based on the application of the Monte-Carlo method, this technique uses, developed by the authors, a new procedure of «raffle» random errors with arbitrary distribution. A new cluster method of accounting for correlations between errors, exciting the RA with a rectangular aperture, is proposed and tested. The number of clusters with independent errors varies from 1 to 256, which allows considering different options for the correlations within the aperture of RA. Data on the distributions of amplitude and phase of the aperture random antenna's field in a given region of environment are submitted in the form of histograms and tables. Calculations of the modulus and phase angle of the intensity of a field are produced in ultra-wide band of frequencies from 20 МHz to 2 GHz. Concluded that the results of SIM have the greatest uncertainty, which were obtained for a single cluster - when errors in amplitude and phase are the same in the space for the entire aperture. Thus, random character of structure of intensity of a field due to the fact that the errors change over time: in the transition from one implementation to another field of RA. The statistical material presented in this paper can be used in the design system of active protection confidential information. The proposed cluster method of accounting for correlations between the errors is universal. The method allows investigating the statistical characteristics of the aperture RA in the other modes: in the emission of noise and quasi-noise, pulse and radio-pulse signals.
Pages: 3-10
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